The Ford Model T is the classic car that put the world on wheels. This groundbreaking vehicle changed how people all over the world live their everyday lives; without it, the world could be drastically different. Here at Alexander Automotive, we are proud to say that a 1923 version of the Ford Model T is in our inventory of classic cars for sale. It’s hard to overstate this car’s impact, as you’ll see when looking at its storied history.


The Ford Model T was introduced in 1908 by Henry Ford, who had the goal of making the car affordable, simple, and durable. The Ford Model T was one of the world’s first mass-produced vehicles, allowing Ford to achieve Henry Ford’s goal of creating a car that worked for everybody. To make sure that it could achieve this goal, Ford himself drove the Model T on a hunting trip in Wisconsin and northern Michigan. The car began to generate media hype and attention thanks to a series of stunts, including climbing the stairs of the Tennessee State Capital and traversing Pikes Peak.

Revolutionary Vehicle Design

The Ford Model T was the first passenger car to place the steering wheel on the left side, allowing passengers to enter and exit the vehicle easily. Other innovations include:

  • Engine block and crankcase cast as a single unit

  • First car to utilize the lightweight, strong alloy called vanadium steel

  • First car to have the removable cylinder head as a single unit

Over time, the Ford Model T became so popular that, by the early 1920s, more than half the registered vehicles in the world bore a Ford badge. Now it has achieved classic car status and is sold here at Alexander Automotive, where we can also help with classic car financing. Schedule an appointment with us today.